Tuesday, June 12, 2007

My last night in the USA

I just finished my training seminars for the day, and I am full of nervous energy ( but in a positive way) right now. Today was a mix of saftey and awareness training, cross-cultural issues, and general travel details. At the end of the day, we were split into groups and were asked to portray one of the concepts we talked about. Since I'm the only one with an instrument, I was asked to come up with a song. A few of my new friends jumped in to help me out. By the way, two of the girls here, Becca and Liza, are fellow Appalachian State University graduates... we've had a great connection so far. So we, along with my "roomate", Blair, came up with a Peace Corps/Gambia version of Rocky Top. It was perfect, really... three of us lived in the Appalachian mountains so we figured a bluegrass song was appropriate... Rocky top is the theme song for University of Tennessee, which, coincidentally has the mascot of the "Volunteer"... and my brother and sister-in-law are Tennessee graduates. They would have been very proud! Tomorrow we get to go through a bunch of immunizations and then head to the airport, so my next blog with probably be from Africa!


Scott Campbell said...

Good Ole Rocky Top! Rocky Top Tennessee! I love you Sis, can't wait to hear from you again. Go VOLS!

Unknown said...

I never knew Rocky Top was so versatile! Can't wait to hear it :) Rest well tonight to the extent possible....I know you'll have a million things running through your head. May God grant you safe and smooth travels over the next couple of days. I'm looking forward to your first blog from the Gambia. Love you!

Unknown said...

I see you have been educated on parasites, good knowledge to have =). Sleep well I can’t wait to hear from you next!!